Sunday, April 19, 2009


So prom was yesterday, and it was way fun! We went to toads for our day date and to Rodizio Grill for dinner, and then we went bowling after the dance!

Some of the guys decided they wanted to try the chicken heart at dinner...

Dallin didn't like it very much. haha i think this was my favorite part of the whole day! I laugh everytime i see this picture!
and for the record... i SUCK at bowling! haha but in my defense, i'm usually a little better than this. i was in a huge poofy dress!


Anonymous said...

You looked beautiful! Sounds like you had alot of fun too. How did you like Rodizio's? I personally like the turkey wrapped bacon! Can't wait to see your Cotillion pictures too.

Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

I found you! It was soo fun! And I have to say dallin's face really was the best! In person it was even funnier, every time I think of it I laugh out loud.. I'm glad you guys were in the group! It was a lot of fun! I don't really love that picture of me.. I can never get a good one! ha ha

Daniel and Kelsie Frandsen said...

I LOVE the dress somer you look beautiful and it sounds like you had a blast i'm so glad!!

BookwormMom said...

You look STUNNING in that dress.

I linked over from Brenda's blog, and I might be blog stalking you a bit now.